• Demonstrate a high level of justice, tolerance, respect, consistency and forgiveness in dealing with your children’s misdemeanors.
    1. The School Executive expects that you will:
      1. Be available if it is necessary, to discuss aspects of your child’s behaviour at school.
      2. Exercise your rights as a parent and bring to the notice of the Principal, concerns and suggestions to make school a happy and safe environment for your child. Confidentiality will be respected.
      3. Sign messages, progress reports or other similar documents when requested to do so, so as not to put your child to any inconvenience.
      4. Check the School Diary daily as it forms a link between the school authorities and the parents.
      5. Ensure that your child brings a healthy & wholesome tiffin in the morning. Offer support and motivate your child on Sports Day/Annual Day.
      6. Support the work of the school particularly by enforcing regularity and discipline by taking interest in your child’s progress and by extending the fullest co-operation to participation in school activities.
      7. Inculcate respect for person, property and the environment in your children.
      8. Notify immediately any change in address or telephone number.
    2. The teaching staff expects that you will:
      1. If you wish to discuss a matter of concern to you or your child, feel free to contact an individual teacher during the school break by taking prior permission from the Director/ Principal.
      2. Not to visit any teacher in the classroom as this may disturb the class.
      3. Be open to listening and considering the teacher’s opinions regarding your child, even when the comments may be less than complimentary.
      4. Be supportive of their action in dealing with your child. Avoid undermining them in the eyes of your children by making generalized scathing comments about individual teacher or of the teaching profession in general.
      5. Inform your child’s absence if known before-hand.
      6. Ensure that the homework and practice exercise are regularly done and children follow an early to bed routine on week days.
      7. As the medium of instruction in this school is English. Parents are requested to ensure that there is a certain amount of regular English conversation at home. It will help the children to follow their lessons easily.


  1. Show them courtesy and respect at all times.
  2. Accept their authority and their right to give instructions and to allocate suitable correction to those who break rules.
  3. Listen attentively when teachers or other students are speaking. Indicate your desire to contribute by raising your hand.
  4. Avoid any distracting behavior during lessons.
  5. Cooperate with the Class Monitor in maintaining proper order and discipline.
    • During change of periods.
    • When the teachers happens to be absent or late.


  1. Never omit the lesson or homework assigned, if you do, it is like missing a train that you can never catch after wards
  2. Always revise the work done in class and make sure that you have understood everything clearly and thoroughly.
  3. If learning task is assigned, memorize it overnight and repeat it in the morning.
  4. Always take down in your diary the work that is assigned for the next day.
  5. All homework should be done neatly and the day’s work should always be dated. Each new homework should be done on a fresh page.
  6. Revise all that has been taught in class each day, whether this has been set to be studied or not. Hence the same amount of time should be given to study each evening whether written homework is given or not.


  1. All pupils should attend class from the opening day of each vacation. Absence without leave application and non-payment of fee prescribed will lead to the removal of the pupil from the college rolls and the forfeiture of the Security Deposit.
  2. The Principal can, in the interest of school and/or the pupil concerned insist on the withdrawal of and/or expel the pupil for the following reasons:
    1. Where the pupil fails to come up to or maintain the academic standard required by the college.
    2. Where in the opinion of the Principal, a pupil has failed to accept and maintain the discipline of the college and/or his continued presence s detrimental to the moral tone of the college.
    3. Where the pupil is suffering from the disease likely to affect the health of others.
  3. Parents/Guardians are requested to collect their wards within 10 minutes of the college getting over. After this the college will not responsible for the children.
  4. Parents/teachers meeting will be held form time to time for better coordination between parents and teachers. All parents are expected to attend the same.
  5. The college is not responsible for the loss of personal belongings. It is not advisable for the students to bring valuables to the college. In case they lose anything, they are expected to inform to the class teacher the same day before the college is over. The college will also not be responsible for any injuries to the students. School property wilfully damaged or destroyed will be required to be made good. In addition a heavy fine may be imposed or the student may be removed from the college. Conversation by students in English compulsory within the college campus.


  1. Strict regularity and punctuality, implicit obedience maintaining school timing, courtesy in words and deeds, cleanliness of dress and person and proper care, of books and college property are expected from every pupil. Pupils and parents must strictly follow the instructions, rules and regulations laid down in this regard.
  2. Damage done to the college must be made good. Fines may be imposed by the Principal for regularity, discipline rules and loss or damage to college property.
  3. Wearing of the College uniform is obligatory. Wearing of jewellery and bringing expensive articles, cell phones or money to the college is strictly prohibited and the college will not be responsible for any loss.
  4. Pupils are responsible to the college authorities not only for their conduct in the college but also for their general behavior outside. Any report of objectionavle conduct on the part of any pupil will make him/here liable for disciplinary action.
  5. Present to the members of staff are not allowed in any form.
  6. No pupil suffering from any contagious or infectious disease shall be permitted to attend college till he/she brings a medical certificate of fitness and/or the college gets the child examined and finds him/her fit
  7. Every student when called upon to attend extra classes or to take part in other activities in the college must do so. Failure to do so will entail punishment / disciplinary action.
  8. Silence and order must be observed in the whole college during class hours and there should not be any noise on the corridors as it disturbs other classes. Other rules regarding speaking also have to be observed.
  9. Irregular attendance, unjustified or unexpected absence, habitual late coming, disobedience or objectionable behavior of any kind. May result in the removal/putting on probation of the students.
  10. Any student found attempting to influence a teacher by any fraudulent means or gifts or in any other way may be removed from the college.
  11. Conditions for Withdrawal
    1. A student who fails in the same class twice will be withdrawn by order of the Principal.
    2. Any student caught cheating or using unfair means during an examination will not only be awarded zero in the subject concerned, but an incident of this nature may lead to his withdrawal/expulsion by the principal.
    3. In case, a student stops attending college without any information to the authorities, his/her name will be struck off the college roll 10 days he/she stops attending the school
    4. Parents are required to give one month’s notice to college for withdrawal of their wards. The transfer certificate is released on clearance of college dues. If notice is not given, one month’s fee will be charged. Parents will have to pay fee up to the month in which the transfer certificate is issued.
  12. Parent’s Responsibility: Parents are required to cooperate with the college in developing their children into balanced, progressive, morally strong and effective youth, by helping their children to observe the general code of conduct inside and outside the college, misbehavior in the college is dealt with by the Disciplinary Committee of the college. Recurrence of such acts leads to expulsion of the defaulting students from the college. However, punishment is administered only with a view to correct the defiant behaviour of the child. The Principal has the to refuse continuation of students whose conduct is unsatisfactory.
  13. Students who habitually keep including in misbehaviour despite repeated warnings will not be enrolled /admitted in the school during the following academics session.
  14. Students will be liable to punishment on the following grounds.
    1. Absence from Assembly (while present on campus)
    2. Late coming, absence from class and unexplained loitering.
    3. Scribbling graffiti,
    4. Unruly movement or unseemly noise in the corridors inside the building.
    5. Use of foul language.
    6. Vandalization of notice boards or any other form of vandalism.
    7. Wearing improper, incorrect or incomplete uniforms.
    8. Incorrect skirt or trousers (skirt should be 2cms. below knee)
    9. Incorrect shoes, tie, sneakers, slippers. Moccasins etc.
    10. Socks other than the ones prescribed.
    11. Incorrect belt or no belt at all.
    12. Shirts with designs, labels etc.
    13. Ear-rings larger than one fourth of a centimeter in diameter and those which dangle below the ear.
    14. Application of make-up.
    15. Trousers folded outwards at the bottom.
    16. Shirts sleeves folded outwards.
    17. Not wearing a vest under the shirt.
    18. Hair which is shoulder length and left open.
    19. Boys with unduly long hair.
    20. Shorts and improper styled trousers.
    21. Coming to the school without college dairy
    22. Creating avoidable chaos during dispersal after Assembly.
    23. Staying on outside the class and buildings even after the break is over,
    24. Stealing,
    25. Bunking class/college.
    26. Misconduct while travelling in the college bus/rickshaw.
  15. Prefects may check students any time of the day for wearing wrong uniform and may also confiscate items which they feel is not a part of the uniforms.
  16. Serious Offence: Cheating in examination, stealing, physical violence, firing crackers, damaging college property and the like will be dealt with more severely. These could mean immediate suspension/expulsion depending on the severity of the offence.
  17. Forbidden practices: No student shall indulge in any of the following practices:
    1. Spitting in or near the college building expect in spittoons provided by the college.
    2. Disfiguring or otherwise damaging any College property.
    3. Smoking.
    4. Any form of gambling.
    5. Use of drugs or intoxicants.
    6. Rowdiness, and of indecent behavior.
    7. Use of violence in any form.
    8. Casteism, communalism or practice of untouchability.
    9. Carrying of weapons/ammunition.
  18. Note: If any student indulges in any of the practices referred in Sub rules of Para 18, the Principal may suspend/dismiss the child from the College.
  19. The following disciplinary measures shall be adopted by the College for defaulting students:
    1. Fine: Fine may be imposed on a student in the following cases:
      1. Late attendance
      2. Absence from class without proper application from the parents/guardians.
      3. Truancy
      4. Wilful damage to College property.
      5. Delay in payment of college fees other dues
    2. Expulsion: Student expelled from the college will not be readmitted. Cases of students expelled from other school will generally not given admission. Exceptional case deserving consideration may referred to the Managing Committee.
    3. Rustication: Where a student is rusticated, he will not be admitted to the college till expiry of the period of rustication.