Expectations from Pupils – Code of Conduct

  • All the Students are expected to speak in English.
  • Students must bring the Diary to School every day.
  • The School uniform and identity card must be worn every day. A student without proper uniform will be counselled. Wear the school uniform correctly and with pride.
  • Uniform worn should be neat and tidy, hair properly oiled and combed, Shoes well-polished and nails should be properly clipped.
  • Students should not wear jewellery, costly wrist watch and shouldn’t bring valuable items to school.
  • Students must maintain silence in the School. They must maintain discipline when moving from one class to another. They should move in a single line only. They should move quickly and quietly avoiding unnecessary disturbances.
  • Students are not allowed to give presents to the teachers and staff of the school.
  • Students should look after their books, clothes, pens, wrist watch, money etc.
  • Students should be regular, courteous, well behaved, disciplined and clean in their dress and habits.
  • A student who is persistently found to be insubordinate, wilfully mischievous, and guilty of misconduct and / or has unwholesome influence on fellow students is liable to be discontinued from the school.
  • A student is responsible to the school, not only for his behaviour in the school, but also for his general behaviour outside.
  • Every effort should be made by the student to keep up the good name of the school by his manners and deportment. Students should greet their teachers/visitors when they meet them.
  • During the absence of the Teachers, the Monitor will be responsible for the order and discipline of the class.
  • Students are expected to keep their SCHOOL PREMISES CLEAN AND PROTECT SCHOOL PROPERTY FROM DAMAGE. Report immediately any damage to School property.
  • Chewing of gum is prohibited in the school premises.
  • Severe action will be taken against writing on the walls, and the use of bad language.
  • Those Students who travel by the school bus are expected to be Well-behaved & Courteous. Anyone found misbehaving will be debarred form using the bus facility.
  • Physical Display of Affection (PDA) is not allowed in School.
  • Mobile Phones and Cameras are not allowed in the School premises. Transistors, video games, mobile phones, pagers and other electronic gadgets are prohibited.
  • Show pride in your School and present a good image especially by behaving yourself when in public and particularly on your way to and from school.
  • Speak positively of your school and your teachers. Cooperate with all staff members.
  • Show school spirit by participating in school activities……..
  • Read or listen to messages and do as instructed.
  • Be on time for all classes.
  • Bring correct text books for all periods.
  • Not leave the school without the written permission of parents and Principal.
  • MAKE FULL USE OF THE LIBRARY. Maintain silence in the library at all times.
  • Keep off verandahs, stairwells and out of class-rooms before school and during recess and lunch breaks.
  • Be familiar with the campus and traffic rules as outlined.
  • Be courteous and helpful to any visitor whom you may meet on the school premises.
  • Behave with tolerance, fairness, respect and honestly at all times.
  • Not meet any visitors in school without the written permission of parents and Principal.
  • Not drive motorized vehicles inside the school compound at any time, nor drive cars, geared scooters, motorcycles etc. while coming to or returning from school.
  • Keep your cycle only in the cycle parking area locked properly. Wear a cycle helmet.
  • No unfair means during tests. Such improper conduct is unworthy of a student and can lead to severe penalties.


  1. The school expects Parent’s Co-operation to ensure that:
    1. The children come to School punctually and regularly, and are neatly and properly dressed.
    2. The children’s text and exercise books are neatly covered, correctly labeled and brought to school as per the school time table.
    3. Homework and practice exercise are regularly done and children follow an early to bed routine on week days.
  2. Parents are also expected to abide by the School rules and take an active interest in the activities of the school.
  3. Parents are informed that their children may be sent home for regularly coming late to school.
  4. Parents are especially requested to notify the school immediately if there are any changes in the address or telephone number.
  5. When communicating with Principal, Parents are requested to mention in their letters the name, class and section of their child/children.
  6. Parents may not meet the students during school hours. In case the child has to be collected during school hours e.g. for a doctor’s appointment, a leave application must be submitted in advance and prior permission obtained.
  7. As the medium of instruction in this school is English, parents are requested to ensure that there is certain amount of regular English conversation at home. This would help the children to follow their lessons easily.
  8. Valuable articles are not allowed on the school premises and the school is not responsible for any loss or damage. Children are not permitted to wear any jewellery in school. If they are found doing so, it will be confiscated.
  9. Students are prohibited from bringing mobile phones/digital diaries to the school.
  10. Parents are requested to ensure that student bring their tiffin in the morning. In the interest of security, tiffin/lunch packets sent later will not be accepted.